Ahhhhh it was homecoming day today! I had to get up fairly early because I had lot sof stuff to do before band rehearsal at Nat's dads house at 11. We met there and played through our song a few times, then headed over to the school for a sound check at 1. It took forever just to get the amps and drums and wires all set up that I had to leave for my 230 hair appt before I even got to play through. But anyway, I got my hair done and did all the homecoming stuff which by the way, was amazingly fun and incredible. Thank you Bryce Sulecki!! I was all antsy at the dance because I wanted to see what Natalie looked like (she was getting her makeover done right before the dance), and I couldn't find her anywhere!! I spotted a camerawoman (there were three, rather than one, for the occasion), who said she'd be in soon because he makeover was taking longer than expected. Finally she walked in, but was unrecognizable.
Her waist long, limp black hair was short, crazy layered, and teased. Looked joan jet-esque and incredible. Her eyebrows were waxed and she was wearing makeup and wearing her amazing dress. She seriously looked INCREDIBLE! And everybody was telling her, even with no cameras around, which was really great too seeAt 930 I had to go get ready for the big show. I wanted to wear my homecoming dress with like fishnetty-ish tights and gloves but camerachick said I couldn't because I had to wear the hott topic clothes since they were free. So I did. We played a little bit of our song when a few people were sitting down (spoiling it, dang) but we had to stop. We were the last band to play. The first band was really good, it had a bass trumpet and drums and thats it. But it was catchy as hell and I loved it! I thought they'd win for sure. Second band was full of good musicians, but very heavy and screamo, which is awesome if you're into that. Also mid-song they shouted "Hey mom, I'm on MTV" and their name was "The empty seats" which is a slap in the face to Latrobe's "No empty seats" policy and hilarious.
Anywhoo, its our turn. I'm feeling pretty nervous
The crowd is pretty rowdy, forming a group right up against the stage. I like do that stupid famous person thing where you walk to the end of the stage and stick your hand out and everyone wants to touch it. it was sweet. I tell Natalie "you are stage diving at the end. do it." We start playing.
Everyone goes crazy. I suck badly, playing more wrong notes than ever, but I don't think too many people noticed. At the end of the song theres this crazy part where natalie starts screaming and I just go nutso like Shawn Perry made me do in practices and like get on my knees and play all crazy and then throw my guitar on the ground at the end. Then me and Natalie both stage dive.
Freaking cool. I had to do it, I only get to be a rockstar once. The dropped me but It was towards the end and close to the stage so thats sort of acceptable. I'm probs to heavy to be a stage diver. Never the less, bucket list item can be checked off.
The judges gave scores for the other two bands, both getting really high scores. Then they give us our score, and WE WONNN!!!! yayyyyy and I can't even play basssss! So lucky to be in a bad with so many talented people. So that was freaing cool. Then I get interviewd and stuff and go home. Best. Night. Ever
I cant believe this whole thing is over. I met some really incredible people. Shawn Perry was all happy go chats with my family and said I could crash at his place in Cleveland if I ever visit Case Western again.
Hope one day I can play with these guys again.. I'm going to miss everybody so much! It's been so wonderful and interesting to be not only on a reality tv show, but in a band. Thank you so much to everybody that let it happen!
Until next time, rock on.
Never realized this blog existed until I realized we followed it. hahaha love this post though! You guys rocked it. and sounded so good and I cant wait until this airs!